To become a member of the local chapter, you must first become a member of our national organization. You'll find information about becoming a member of the national organization on their website at When you join AAPC, you will be asked to select a local chapter and we hope you will choose AAPC of KC.
You are welcome to join us at up to three of our local chapter meetings prior to your membership, but after that, you must become a member of AAPC to join us. You are not required to be a member of the Kansas City chapter in order to attend our meeting - you just need to be a member of the national organization.
If you are already a member of the national organization and you wish to become a member of our local chapter, you just need to log in to the national organization website at and change your profile to select the Kansas City chapter. This will also assure that you receive our local chapter emails.
If you have any questions about membership, please feel free to contact our Member Developement Officer. You'll find the name of that officer on the About Us page.
We welcome you to join us!!